At Sea
March 29, 2010
Aboard the Regent Seven Seas.
What in the world am I doing at sea? Good question. It started in December, on the day of our first big snowstorm. You know the day–the University closed, we got 18 or more inches of snow. I walked into work and thought, “Great, I can have a catch-up day in preparation for Christmas holidays.” It wasn’t to be …
That snowy day, I received an e-mail asking if I would like to be a guest on a cruise whose theme is “Spotlight on Chocolate.” Of course, I thought it was too good to be true. I ignored the email until I got a phone call later in the day from one of the organizers of the cruise. After talking for almost an hour, I was convinced it was legitimate. Looking out the window at the blizzard swirling around me I said, “Yes! I would love to be your guest at the end of March and tour the Caribbean.”
A few months later, I’m onboard the cruise ship Regent Seven Seas Navigator and having a fantastic time. I’ve never been on a cruise before and didn’t know what to expect. The ship has 290 rooms for guests and an incredible staff that is so friendly and accommodating. They make you feel like royalty.
I’m writing this on Day Six at sea. I have given three presentations about chocolate with one more to go. I have met people from around the world—each with a unique story to tell. One new friend is Adam Seger from Chicago, who is doing presentations on spirits. One of his creations is Hum–an amazing spirit with a rum base that’s infused with hibiscus, cardamom, ginger, kefir lime and sugarcane. People onboard the ships have been enjoying my chocolates and Adam’s amazing drink creations.

It’s been fun sharing my passion for chocolate with the guests.
We are all living on a floating oasis relaxing and enjoying the sights and sounds of the sea. I’ve enjoyed the many excursions, including a hike on the island of Roatan, Honduras; exploring Mayan ruins in Costa Maya, Mexico; traveling by boat up the River Dulce in Santo Tomas, Guatemala; a visit to Q’Eqchi, an indigenous Mayan community; and snorkeling with stingrays in George Town, Cayman Islands.
By the time you read this, I’ll be back at the shop and full of travel stories to share. A big thank you to my staff for taking good care of everything while I’ve been away. I am grateful for your hard work. You are fantastic and I have no worries while gone.
While I love traveling, I love sharing the stories with my employees and customers when I return home.
I feel very grateful to have been offered this opportunity. It is incredible to share my passion with people and in exchange be able to see these fantastic sights and meet wonderful people wherever we go. So here is to saying yes to opportunities and taking new adventures!